46 Chapter 5 Registering Nortel 20XX IP telephonesN0027269 01N0027269 01DEF GW Default Gateway on the network (in other words, the nearestrouter to the telephone. The router for IP address W.X.Y.Z isusually at W.X.Y.1)If there are no routers between the telephone and the systemnetwork adaptor to which it is connected, (for example a directHUB connection), then enter the Published IP address of theBCM50 as the DEF GW.If the IP telephone is not connected directly to the Published IPaddress network adaptor, set the DEF GW to the IP address ofthe network adaptor to which the telephone is connected.If DHCP = 1Manual Cfg?DHCP:Full = 0Partial = 1If you indicate DHCP for the telephone, but you want to enterstatic IP addresses, choose 1 (Partial).If you choose 0 (Full), the DHCP server assigns IP addressesthat are not static.If DHCP = 0 or PartialS1 IP This is the Published IP address of the first system that you wantto register the telephone to.S1 PORT Default: *7000 This is the port the telephone will use to access this system.S1 ACTION Default: 1S1 RETRY COUNT and 255>Set this to the number of times you want the telephone to retrythe connection to the system.S2 IP This is the Published IP address of the second system that youwant to register the telephone to. It can also be the same as theS1 setting.S2 PORT Default: *7000 This is the port the telephone will use to access this system.S2 ACTION Default: 1S2 RETRY COUNT and 255>Set this to the number of times you want the telephone to retrythe connection to the system.VLAN 0: No VLAN1: Manual VLAN2: Automaticallydiscover VLANusing DHCPChoose 0:NO VLAN if there is no VLAN on the network.If you do not have DHCP on the network, or if DHCP is suppliedby a remote server, select number 1 and enter the VLAN ID*.If you have the system DHCP active on your system, selectnumber 2 if you want DHCP to automatically find the VLANassignment.*VLAN is a network routing feature provided by specific types ofswitches. To find out if VLAN has been deployed on yoursystem, check with your network administrator. If VLAN isdeployed, the system administrator responsible for the switchcan provide the VLAN ID(s) for your system.Cfg XAS? 0: No (default)1: YesIf you want the telephone to be able to connect to a Net6 serviceprovider server, choose 1. You then are prompted for an IPaddress for the server.* Firewall note: Ensure that the firewall filters are set up to enable IP traffic into and out of the system.Table 10 IP telephone server configurations (Sheet 2 of 2)Field Value Description