18 OverviewFor more information, see the following publications:• Nortel Mobile Communication Client 3100 for Blackberry User Guide(NN42030-101)• Nortel Mobile Communication Client 3100 for Windows Mobile UserGuide (NN42030-100)ATTENTIONMobile client devices must have an Internet connection.ComponentsThe Nortel Mobile Communication 3100 Series Portfolio includes serverand client components. All server components are coresident on a singlesupported server. For more information, see Table 2 "MCG 3100 softwarecomponents" (page 18)and "Hardware components" (page 18).Table 2MCG 3100 software componentsComponent DescriptionMobile Communication Gateway Server Extends network feature functionality toenterprise mobile clients. You configure theMCG Server through a Web-based administrativeinterface.Mobile Communication Client 3100 forBlackBerry and NokiaProvides enterprise users access to advancedmultimedia features on supported Nokia, andBlackberry devices. The Mobile CommunicationClient 3100 for BlackBerry and Nokia is aclient application that interfaces with the MobileCommunication Gateway Server through theInternet.ATTENTIONAll of the MCG Server components must be coresident on a single supportedserver. You can add an additional server with identical software to provideredundancy.Hardware componentsOnly two commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware platforms are supportedfor the MCG 3100 Server:• HP DL320G4 (NTDU97AAE5)• IBM x306m (NTDU99AAE5)Nortel Mobile Communication 3100 Series PortfolioNortel Mobile Communication Gateway 3100 — AdministrationNN42030-600 01.04 StandardRelease 2.0 14 November 2007Copyright © 2007, Nortel Networks.