MCC 3100 for BlackBerry/Nokia 23SIGO ESN5STYP SDATATTENTIONIf the Route Data Block (RDB) already has associated Virtual Trunks and isconfigured to SIGO STD, you must remove all Virtual Trunks before you canchange the RDB to ESN5.Install and configure the MCC 3100 for BlackBerry/NokiaFor more information, see one of the following documents:• Nortel Mobile Communication Client 3100 for Blackberry User Guide(NN42030-101)• Nortel Mobile Communication Client 3100 for Nokia User Guide(NN42030-102)Test the configuration before you deploy to usersUse the following tests to verify the configuration:• Register the MCG 3100 to the NRS-SPS.Expected Result: This test validates the MCG 3100 is licensed and canregister to the NRS.• Make a call from a PBX telephone to the MCC 3100 for BlackBerry/Nokiaand choose to accept the call on the mobile device.Expected Result: The MCC 3100 for BlackBerry/Nokia receives apopup. After you accept the call, the MCG 3100 sends the call throughthe SPS to the home call server for the MCC 3100 user, by using theSource Based Routing feature on the NRS-SPS. The call to the mobileroutes through the appropriate trunking gateway.• Make a call from the MCC 3100 for BlackBerry/Nokia in Direct OutboundModeExpected Result: The MCC 3100 contacts the MCG 3100 over thecellular data network and provides the MCG 3100 the number to dial.The MCC 3100 triggers a call from the mobile to the service DN. Theservice DN call routes according to the dial plan to the NRS-SPS andthen to the MCG 3100. At this point the MCG 3100 has a real callfrom the cell phone and the number to dial. The MCG 3100 bridgesthe service DN call to the destination. Caller ID for the call attempt isfrom the MARP TN of the MADN group and presented appropriatelyto the called destination.• Make a call from the MCC 3100 for BlackBerry/Nokia in Call-Me FirstMode.Nortel Mobile Communication 3100 Series PortfolioNortel Mobile Communication Gateway 3100 — AdministrationNN42030-600 01.04 StandardRelease 2.0 14 November 2007Copyright © 2007, Nortel Networks.