74 Maintenance/sbin/service mobilitygw stop6 Stop the Administration Server process:/sbin/service mobilityadmin stop7 Change to the backup directory:cd /opt/ is the backup directory for your backup. The backupdirectory can be any directory on the server.8 Copy the backup file from the removable media (or off-site location)to the backup directory:copy / is your backup file and is thebackup directory on the MCG 3100 Server.9 Restore the backup:mysql mysqladmin flush-privileges10 Start the Group Call Server process:/sbin/service sipconf start11 Start the Gateway Server process:/sbin/service mobilitygw start12 Start the Administration Server process:/sbin/service mobilityadmin start—End—Packet dump utilityYou can use the packet dump utility to capture all of the data that istransmitted and received on an interface of the MCG 3100. After thesession is complete, you can save the packet dump as a .cap file. For moreinformation, see Procedure 32 "Capturing a packet dump" (page 75).To open the .cap files for troubleshooting and analysis, you require theprotocol analyzer called Wireshark (formerly Ethereal).Nortel Mobile Communication 3100 Series PortfolioNortel Mobile Communication Gateway 3100 — AdministrationNN42030-600 01.04 StandardRelease 2.0 14 November 2007Copyright © 2007, Nortel Networks.