Using Norstar ICSRT Tools version 11 27Norstar ICS Remote Tools Quick-start Guide4 Select the Date field and enter the date the backup or restore will occur. Enter the date in theformat YYYY : MM : DD. The default value is the current date on your computer.5 Select the Time field and enter the time the backup or restore should start. Enter the time in theformat HH : MM (24-hour format). The default value will be the current system (yourcomputer) time.Important: The time you enter into this field is the time the job will start according to yourICSRT computer. If there is a time difference between your site and the Norstar system site,check the Time difference field to ensure you do not accidentally schedule the job to startduring the customer's work hours.6 Choose the drop list arrow beside the Job type field, and choose one of the following options:ï Backup - System Programmingï Backup - AA Greetingsï Backup - Allï Restore - System Programmingï Restore - AA Greetingsï Restore - AllThe PC Source File field will be enabled only when you select any of the restore operation.This allows you to browse and select a proper file in a directory, which contain NVRAMbackup file that needs to be restored. By default this edit box will be blank.7 Choose the drop list arrow beside the Repeat field and then choose the interval betweenrepeated backups. If you do not want this job repeated, choose Never.8 If you want to use a RAD telephone number, RAD Password, Baud Rate, Connection Type,Dial Mode, COM Port and Modem init string that is different than the one entered on theCustomer Information screen, select the suitable field and change to new value.9 Select the Notes field and type any notes for this backup or restore.10 Choose Submit.The job will be scheduled to run at the time that you selected. You can check this by going to Jobsin Queue screen where Status will display Ready to Run.Warning: Do not shut down your computer while a backup or restore job is running.When you restart your computer, ensure that Scheduler is started. Refer to ìStarting theSchedulerî on page 25.