32 Using Norstar ICSRT Tools version 11N0004998 01Immediate backup or restoreIf you want to do an immediate restore or backup of the system programming, you can use theBackup Restore tool found under the Run Tool heading.Figure 22 Finding the correct backup file1 Open ICSRT.2 If you are not in the correct database, find the database where the correct customer is located.3 Select the customer you want to connect to.4 Click on Run Tool, and select Backup Restore.The connect screen appears, with the connect information for that system.5 Click on Connect.After your computer connects to the Norstar System, the following screen appears.Caution: We recommend that you create a separate folder in your CustomerInfodatabase/backup folder for manual backups. Refer to Figure 22. When you perform amanual backup, you can then navigate to this folder instead of storing the file in the defaultfolder, where it might accidentally get overwritten.This also allows you to have both types of backup files stored close to each other.Tips: If the computer you are using is in the same building as the Norstar system, westrongly recommend that you copy backup files to CD and store it offsite. folder name>CustomerInfo.mdbbackup<systemIDcustomer1>.new<systemIDcustomer1>.old<Customer1manualbackup>FNVRAM.new<systemIDcustomer2>.new<systemIDcustomer2>.old<Customer2manualbackup>File created by scheduled backupFile created by Backup Restore tool