30 Using Norstar ICSRT Tools version 11N0004998 01ï Suspended: Job is scheduled for execution and user terminates scheduler application. Thestatus of jobs that are to be scheduled are updated as Suspended in the Status field of the Jobsin Queue dialogï Re-Scheduled: A suspended job which has a Repeat attribute set will be scheduled for nexttime and the current job status will be set to this.Completed jobs are not deleted from the Jobs in Queue. The jobs are left on the screen so you canview the status of the completed jobs.The maximum number of jobs that can be on the JobQueue database is 4096. To prevent the JobQueue from becoming too full, you should delete completed jobs after you have confirmed thatthey have run successfully.To remove the completed jobs, use the remove procedure described later in this section.Jobs that are scheduled to repeat automatically are treated like a series of separate jobs. Each timethe job is scheduled to repeat, another job is added to the JobQueue database. This allows you tocheck if the previous job has completed successfully and see when this job will be run again.Removing a jobThe Jobs in Queue screen allows you to remove pending or completed jobs from the JobQueuedatabase.To remove a job from the Job Queue:1 Select the job you want to remove.2 Choose the Remove button. You will be prompted to confirm the removal.3 Click OK on the confirmation dialog and the selected job disappears from the JobQueuedatabase.Removing repeated jobsTo remove repeated jobs, you need to remove the latest instance of job that is scheduled withRepeat attribute.Updating the jobs on Jobs in QueueWith this setting, you can update the list box in Jobs in Queue screen. This will update the statuscolumn if there is any change or error has occurred. This will also be helpful when different usersuse the same database at the same time.