Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN RoutersC-12 308614-14.20 Rev 00Enable CHAP (ChallengeHandshake AuthenticationProtocol)? (y/n) [n]:y(es)n(o)Note: If you answer y(es), the scriptrequests a CHAP secret for thisinterface.Does the Remote Peer have PAPauthentication enabled?(y/n) [n]:y(es)n(o)Note: If you answer y(es), the scriptrequests the PAP ID and password forthe remote interface.Enable the LQR (Link QualityReporting) Protocol?(y/n) [n]:y(es)n(o)SeeConfiguring PPP Services forinformation about the Link QualityReporting (LQR) protocol and LQRpackets.Enable use of the Remote Peerrouter’s LQR Timer?(y/n) [y]:(For LQR only)y(es)n(o)Type y if the remote peer routermaintains its own LQR timer for thisinterface. Type n if the router isresponsible for maintaining the timerfor this interface.Number of seconds (1-120)[3]:(For LQR only)Enter the maximum number ofseconds between the transmission ofLQR packets.Enter [inbound] success ratepercentage (1-100) [90]:Enter the minimum acceptablesuccess rate (percentage) of packetstransmitted by the peer router andreceived on this interface over the lastfive LQR periods.Enter [outbound] success ratepercentage (1-100) [90]:Enter the minimum acceptablesuccess rate (percentage) of packetstransmitted by this interface andreceived by the peer router over thelast five LQR periods.PPP Worksheet(continued)Prompt Options Your Response