Administration Standard 2.072 Nortel ViewerCopying Viewer User Replay RestrictionsCopy Viewer User Replay Restrictions to pass replay restrictions from oneViewer to one or more others. The copy of replay restrictions is availableonly for copying between Viewers. To use this feature, you must have ViewInstallation and Configure Viewer privileges on the target recorders for theViewer copying process to be successful.To copy Viewer user replay restrictions:1 With a Viewer selected in the Installations pane click ReplayRestrictions. The User Replay Restrictions window displays.2 Select one or more Replay Restrictions to copy to other Viewers.3 Click Copy Restrictions. A list of Viewers in the enterprise displays.4 Select one or more Viewers and click Copy to copy the selectedrestriction(s) to other Viewers. All selected Replay Restrictions arecopied from the source Viewer to the target Viewer(s)