viii About this guideNN10042-113[Standard—Nortel Networks Confidential]Text conventionsThis guide uses the following text conventions:AcronymsThis guide uses the following acronyms:bold text Indicates the i2004 softkey you need to pressExample: Press the Ok softkey.italic text Indicates new terms, document titlesExample: See the i2004 Internet Telephone UserGuide.DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration ProtocolDTMF Dual Tone Multi FrequencyERC Express Routing CodeISDN Integrated Services Digital NetworkIM Instant MessageIP Internet ProtocolIPCM Internet Protocol Client ManagerLAN Local Area NetworkLCD Liquid Crystal DisplayMAC Media Access ControlRTCP Real Time Control ProtocolSIP Session Initiation ProtocolTCP Transmission Control ProtocolURL Universal Resource LocatorVoIP Voice over IPWAN Wide Area Network