16 Chapter 2 Introducing the i2004 Internet TelephoneNN10042-113[Standard—Nortel Networks Confidential]Address bookYour personal network-based address book is a key tool for managing addresses.You can save your addresses for quick call access as well as organize addressesinto groups.InboxYour i2004 Internet Telephone keeps track of all the calls you receive which youcan view by pressing the inbox button. Using the softkeys you can view a list ofall the people who have called you or just the calls that you have missed. With thepress of a softkey you can dial entries from your inbox.OutboxYour i2004 Internet Telephone keeps track of all the calls you have made whichyou can view by pressing the outbox button. With the press of a softkey you canredial entries from your outbox.BuddiesWithin your network-based address book you can designate entries as buddies. Ifyou have entered the SIP address of the person then you can see their onlinepresence status.PresencePresence is a feature that allows you to see the online status of other users on thenetwork and also a way to alert others to your status. Through the View menu youcan change your presence status to let other users know if you are online or awayfrom your desk. Through the View menu you can check the presence of the usersyou have designated as buddies.