22 Chapter 2 Introducing the i2004 Internet TelephoneNN10042-113[Standard—Nortel Networks Confidential]Entering alphanumeric charactersYou can make a call by dialing a telephone number or by dialing a person’salphanumeric address (for example, jdoe@domain.com). Alphanumeric dialingrefers to the spelling of names or words by dialing alphabetic charactersco-located with the numbers on the numeric dialpad of your i2004 InternetTelephone.For example, the 6 button on your numeric dialpad represents the letters "m,""n,"and "o". You can cycle through the letters (and finally the actual number) byrepeatedly pressing the number button. Names or words that have two adjacentletters that require the same button, such as in the name "nortel", are entered byentering the first character, briefly pausing, and entering the next letter.To practice using alphanumeric dialing, follow the steps in Table 3 to spell theword “nortel".Table 3 Alphanumeric dialing exerciseStep Action Result1. Go off-hook, press the Alphasoftkey, and press the 6 (MNO)button twice on the dial pad.The first time the 6 button is pressed, "m"appears on the display. The second timethe 6 button is pressed the letter "n"appears on the display.2. Pause for one second and pressthe 6 button three times.The letter “o” appears on the display.3. Press the 7 button twice. The letter "r" appears on the display.4. Press the 8 button. The letter "t" appears on the display.5. Press the 3 button twice. The letter "e" appears on the display.6. Press the 5 button three times. The letter "l" appears on the display.Note: Your i2004 Internet Telephone may already default toalphanumeric dialing. If you see the NoAlph softkey then you are alreadyin alphanumeric dialing mode.