2-32 Installation and connectionsAppendix 1 to 553-2601-200Chart 2-6ALARM AND TRANSFER WIRING (P10) INSTALLATIONP10 wiring in cabinets equipped with a built-in cross connect terminal is terminated on thelower right set of blocks mounted on the rear of the cabinet. This chart describes the method ofextending the P10 wiring to an external cross connect terminal. Connections and designationsfor the P10 wiring are the same in both instances.The P10 wiring is extended from the rear of the QUX19 unit in the cabinet to the cross connectterminal using a QCAD294-type cable available in the following lengths:• 25 ft (7600mm) – QCAD294B1• 50 ft (15200 mm) – QCAD294B2• 100 ft (30400 mm) – QCAD294B3One QCAD294 cable is required when the cabinet is served by one or more QUA6 Power FailTransfer Units (PFTU). This cable should be designed as cable 1.A second QCAD294 cable is used to extend the major (MJ) alarm connections to attendantconsoles and to extend remote (REM) alarm connections. This cable should be designated ascable 2.STEP PROCEDURE1 If not previously removed, remove the lower rear cover and EMI shield (if equipped)from the cabinet.2 Tag and install one or two (as required) QCAD294 cables through a round access holeat the rear of the cabinet.Note: The end of the wires equipped with spade tip connectors will be connected toTB2 at the rear of the QUX19 power unit. Leave enough wire to reach the connections.3 Install the cables in to the area reserved for P10 cables at the cross connect terminal.Note: The cables each contain two black wires, one paired with a white wire and onewith a red wire. Care must be taken not to interchange the black wires4 Terminate and designate cable 1 (if provided) as follows (Fig. 2-11):• Terminate the red wire and designate as AUX.• Terminate the white wire and designate as GRD.Chart Continued