Reserve batteries1.10 One or two QBL24 battery units containing rechargeable dry cells canbe connected to the cabinet when service is required during commercialpower failures.1.11 The cabinet can also be connected to lead acid batteries through aQBL15 battery distribution box and a QCAD321 junction box assembly.Cooling units1.12 QUD24 Cooling Units are used to dissipate excess heat and arerequired in cabinets equipped with three tiers.Built-in cross connect terminal1.13 An optional built-in cross connect terminal using BIX* cable terminalblock system is available with cabinets equipped for suppression of EMI.The built-in cross connect terminal, which is mounted on the EMI shields atthe rear of the cabinet, is accessible through the removal of the cabinet rearcovers. Connections to the system which would otherwise be made at anexternal wall mounted or frame mounted terminal can be made using thebuilt-in cross connect terminal.1.14 In a three tier cabinet the built-in cross connect terminal allows for424 three-pair station wiring terminations plus additional connectors forPower Fail Transfer Unit (PFTU) terminations. However, in cases where ahigh density of 16-port line cards and/or four- or six-pair station cabling isused, there may not be sufficient space to route or terminate all the wiring.In these cases, additional external terminal blocks may be required. Thebuilt-in cross connect terminal feature is not used in two cabinetconfigurations.* BIX is a trademark of Northern TelecomDescription 1-3Appendix 1 to 553-2601-200