2-50 Installation and connectionsAppendix 1 to 553-2601-200Table 2-CCable C Designations (Receive)Local and RemoteCarrier Network Card Lead LeadLoop Position Connector Color DesignationC PinNumberA X 9 1 BL-W C1A X 9 26 W-BL C2B X 9 2 O-W C3B X 9 27 W-O C4A Y 9 3 G-W C9A Y 9 28 W-G C10B Y 9 4 BR-W C11B Y 9 29 W-BR C129 5 S-W OWT9 30 W-S OWR9 6 BL-R FLT9 31 R-BL FLR4 7 O-R FLWA4 32 R-O FLWB4 8 G-R WFIT4 33 R-G WFIR9 to 25 (Note) GND34 to 50 (Note) GNDNote: These leads are grounded in the carrier shelf when cable connectors C and D areinstalled in jacks C and D. They are cut off at the MDF when cables C and D godirectly to an MDF. Carrier problems are less likely to occur when cables terminatedirectly on the MDF. When cables C and D go to an intermediate cross-connect