Note that this parameter can be controlled via MIDI.To do so connect a sustain pedal to the master keyboard. The Super Bass Station readssustain information as Arpeggiator latch “on” / “off” so depressing the sustain pedal willswitch the Arpeggiator latch “on” and releasing the sustain pedal will switch Arpeggiator latch “off”. For this to work properlythe master keyboard should be transmitting on the same MIDI channel as the RX channel of the Super Bass Station.Additionally this parameter may work in the reverse manner as described if the incorrect footswitch is connected to themaster keyboard. Some master keyboards have the ability to reverse this, refer to the master keyboards owners manual fordetails.Alternatively you can control this feature from a sequencer. To do so simply transmit controller 64 with a value of 127 to turnthe Arpeggiator latch “on” and transmit controller 64 with a value of 0 to turn the Arpeggiator latch “off” on the same MIDIchannel as the RX channel of the Super Bass Station.This parameter is memorised with the program.Page 5 - Arpeggiator Keysync.Ident ValueThis display will alternate between “AY” ident ( Arpeggiator Keysync ) and it’s value. Use the Data Entry / PortamentoRotary control to adjust the value of this parameter.Data Entry/ProgramUtilities/Arpeggio41MIDI RX CHMIDI TX CHPROGRAMEDIT WRITEUTILITYSAVEMIDI RX CHMIDI TX CHPROGRAMEDIT WRITEUTILITYSAVE