The envelopes are used to shape the sound over time. Envelope 1 is hard-wired' to ampli-tude or volume. It is used to decide how quickly the sound starts when you hit a note andhow it sustains or dies away. Envelope 2 can be used to control Pulse Width, Filter frequen-cy or Pitch changes depending on the settings of the “PWM Source” switch in the “Osc 1 -2” section and the “Filter Mod” switch in the “Filter” section. Of course, if neither of these is switched to ENV 2, you will hearno change when you alter the settings of Envelope 2. Switch one or the other to ENV 2 to hear the changes you are making.Attack - RotaryThis knob sets how quickly the envelope rises to its maximum level when a note is struck. Fully anticlockwise, this is 500microseconds ( instantaneous to our ears ) increasing exponentially to 20 seconds fully clockwise. To shorten attack timesturn this knob anticlockwise and to lengthen attack times turn this knob clockwise.Decay - RotaryThis knob sets how quickly the envelope drops off to the sustain level once the maximum level has beenreached. Fully anticlockwise this time is 1 millisecond ( still instantaneous to our ears ) increasing exponentially to 20 sec-onds fully clockwise.To shorten decay times turn this knob anticlockwise and to lengthen decay times turn this knob clock-wise.Envelopes 1 and 2Section78ATTACK0 10DECAY0 10