To use the Super Bass Station’s CV and Gate outputs with older analogue equipment estab-lish which type of interface your vintage equipment has. There are several differing types ofCV and Gate and so you should check in the vintage equipments owners manuals fordetails of what standard your equipment is. If this is not available, set as shown in the tablebelow. This covers most types of CV and Gate variations however there are sometimes slight variation between differentmodels made by the same manufacturer. You will have to set the MIDI Channel you want the analogue equipment torespond to and the “type” of CV Gate should also be specified. To do this refer to page 54 “CV / Gate Channel” and page55 “CV / Gate Type” for details.Ident for CV / Gate type parameter Manufacturer CV Type Gate Type Range“00” = Ronald / Arp / Sequential Volts Per Octave +Gate Pulse C0 to C5“01” = Yamaha / Korg Hertz Per Octave - S/Trig C-1 to C5“02” = Moog Volts Per Octave +S/Trig C0 to C5“03” = Ronald / Arp / Sequential Volts Per Octave +Gate Pulse C-1 to C4“04” = Yamaha / Korg Hertz Per Octave - S/Trig C-2 to C4“05” = Moog Volts Per Octave +S/Trig C-1 to C4The Super Bass Station can also have it’s Arpeggiator Latch parameter switched on and off via MIDI. To do so connect asustain pedal to the master keyboard. The Super Bass Station reads sustain information as Arpeggiator latch “on” / “off” sodepressing the sustain pedal will switch the Arpeggiator latch “on” and releasing the sustain pedal will switch Arpeggiatorlatch “off”. For this to work properly the master keyboard should be transmitting on the same MIDI channel as the RX chan-nel of the Super Bass Station. Additionally this parameter may work in the reverse manner as described if the incorrectfootswitch is connected to the master keyboard. Some master keyboards have the ability to reverse this, refer to the masterkeyboards owners manual for details.7ApplicationsAdvanced