8xxx Engine Error Codes 318571 SOAP port already in useSource: GroupWise engine; general communication.Explanation: The SOAP port used by the POA to communicate with SOAP clients is alreadyin use by another program on the server.Possible Cause: You are trying to run two POAs on the same server and you have not giventhem unique SOAP port numbers.Action: Check the SOAP port for each POA. See “Supporting SOAP Clients” in“Configuring the POA” in the GroupWise 7 Administration Guide. Change theSOAP port for one of the POAs.8572 CAP port already in useSource: GroupWise engine; general communication.Explanation: The CAP port used by the POA to communicate with CAP clients is already inuse by another program on the server.Possible Cause: You are trying to run two POAs on the same server and you have not giventhem unique CAP port numbers.Action: Check the CAP port for each POA object. See “Supporting CAP Clients” in“Configuring the POA” in the GroupWise 7 Administration Guide. Change theCAP port for one of the POAs.8573 LDAP port already in useSource: GroupWise engine; general communication.Explanation: The LDAP port used by the POA is already in use by another program on theserver.Possible Cause: You are trying to run two POAs on the same server and you have not giventhem unique LDAP port numbers.Action: Check the LDAP port for each POA object. See “Providing LDAPAuthentication for GroupWise Users” in “Configuring the POA” in theGroupWise 7 Administration Guide. Change the LDAP port for one of thePOAs.2.4 88xx Errors “8809 Unexpected error” on page 31 “880B Unexpected error” on page 31 “880C Unexpected error” on page 328809 Unexpected errorSource: GroupWise engine; inter- or intra-process communicationAction: See “8xxx Unexpected error” on page 43.880B Unexpected errorSource: GroupWise engine; inter- or intra-process communication