OptionsShuffleRepeatJuke Box ModeEdit FavoritesSourcesRockDinner Party--Add to FavoritSatelliteTuner ATuner BFig. 34Fig. 36Fig. 35Fig. 37Fig. 38Sources: This offers quick access to the six sources definedin the system. Third-party sources can be defined with asource name in the Essentia Configurator Software, or theyare labeled by the system as a generic source number. TheNuVoNet sources have a predefined system name unless youchoose to assign a customized name in the ConfiguratorSoftware, Fig. 36.Advanced Zone Control: Advanced Zone Control is designedfor user access to temporary zone settings. Each of the zoneparameters set in advanced zone control automatically resetwhen an All Off command is issued from a Control Pad, Fig.37.Party Mode: This setting is turned on and off with theOK button. When selected all the configured zones inthe system will turn on and that Control Pad becomesthe Host for the entire house. This function is defeatedin an individual zone by initiating a function on thatzone’s Control Pad.Do-Not-Disturb: This sets a temporary source lock on achosen source within that zone. This selection is alsoturned on and off by pressing the OK button.Sleep Mode: The Sleep Mode, when set, allows music toplay in that Control Pad’s zone for a specified amount oftime, Fig. 38. Once the time selection is made, thesystem will gradually ramp down in volume and the zonewill turn itself off at the end of the selected time.28Adv. Zone ControlSleepParty ModeDo-Not-DistrubSleepOff15 Minutes30 MinutesFig. 33Main MenuPlay AllSource OptionsAdv. Zone Control