5 6 FIXED VARZONE1ZONE2Essentia AmplifierNV-D2120 Amplifier39NV-D2120 and NV-D460 Audio Amplifiers (Fig. 55)The NV-2120 and NV-460 are powerful class D digitalamplifiers specifically designed for use with the NuVoSystems' lineouts. They can be used with either the fixed orvariable lineouts available for zones 1 and 2 on the Essentiaamplifier. The connection is made using either a 1/8”(3.5mm) to 1/8” stereo patch cable or a 1/8” stereo to RCApatch cable.There are two methods for triggering the amplifiers from theEssentia outputs. One is to set the POWER MODE switch oneither the D2120 or the D460 to AUDIO (extreme left)position and allow an incoming audio signal from theEssentia System to operate as a trigger. The second methodis to place the POWER MODE switch in the AC/DC (extremeright) position. This will turn on the amplifier when theEssentia is powered on and not in “standby”.An additional feature of Essentia is Zone-Specific Triggersthat will trigger the D2120 and D460 only when that zone isturned on. Utilizing the voltage trigger requires a mono 1/8”(3.5mm) patch cable from either the System ON output onthe Essentia to the attached amplifier voltage trigger input,or from the specific Zone Trigger outputs attached to zones 1and 2 on the Essentia to the voltage trigger on the D2120 orD460, as shown in Fig. 55. Note that there are twosimultaneous outputs. The variable output (VAR) allows theNuVo zone controller to control the volume output of theattached amplifier. The fixed output is constant and requiresa separate volume control. This is very useful when you areusing an existing receiver for additional amplification andyou would prefer to use the receiver’s volume control. Theuse of either of these outputs does not negate the use of theinternal 40 watt amplifiers.RS232 InterfaceThe RS232 port allows external two-way communication withthe Essentia System. Home automation systems can be setup to operate Essentia. The RS232 protocol document isavailable for download from NuVo’s website Prozone atwww.nuvotechnologies.com/prozone.Fig. 55TRG