Remote Controls: These settings affect the way theControl Pad receives commands from a handheldwireless remote. The NV-GRC1 is the system remote thatcomes with the Essentia. It allows the same level ofcontrol as the Control Pad. At the default setting, AllRemotes Enabled, this remote and any third-party IRremote will be received by the zone's Control Pad. Insome instances, you may not want a third-party remotecommand to be received by the Control Pad. In this case,you would choose NuVo Remote Only. If the zone is in anarea that is flooded with sunlight or receivesinterference from plasma displays, the best choice is AllRemotes Disabled.Slaved to Zone: A feature of Essentia is the ability toslave zones together. This is most useful for controllinga zone with more than one Control Pad, or the converse,which is controlling more than one zone with oneControl Pad. Simply scroll to the zone you wish to slaveto and select it from the list, Fig. 46 .Zone Number: Each zone must be assigned a number orspecific zone address. This is done by scrolling to thedesired zone and selecting it. All used zone addresseswill be grayed out. If you have defined zones in theConfigurator Software, the actual zone names assignedin the Zone tab of the software will appear in the list.The zone list appears just as it does in the previousSlaved Zone menu. Scrolling to a different zone nameand pressing OK will set a new zone address, orselecting NONE erases the zone address.Diagnostic Self Test: This performs a short displayparameter test when selected.Fig. 46Fig. 47Source Settings: Two choices reside in this menu regardingthe source currently playing, Fig. 47.Gain: This lets you increase the audio input levels fromthe sources coming into the Essentia. This is notnecessary for the NuVoNet components, but if you use asatellite or cable set-top box as an audio source for thesystem, you will find that the audio level is inherentlysofter and will benefit by the gain setting. The default is0dB, with a range up to 18.75dB.NuVoNet Source: If you uncheck this selection, thatsource will not be polled by NuVoNet and will only be IRcontrollable.System Settings: This menu option controls system-widesettings, Fig 48.Fig. 4831Slaved To ZoneCur. Source SettingSystem SettingsNoneKitchenDining RoomGainNuVoNet Sourc.Power-Off ModeVersion*Advanced