HOLDALL OFFNV-GRC1REMOTE CONTROLFAVORITESVOLUME1 2 34 5 67 8 91110 12SOURCE/OKPWR MUTESLEEPDISPMENUG2G1F1 F2F3 F412345678910111213NV-GRC1 Remote Control91. Each zone can be turned on and off, or allzones can be turned off with this button.2. This serves two functions. In normaloperation mode, it is a volume control, but whenyou are using the menu features of the Control Pad,it allows scrolling up and down.3. These buttons are currentlyinactive and designed for future use.4. These IR programmablebuttons are designed for forward and reversefunctions.5. A function of the Grand Concerto Systemis the ability to access user defined favorites foreasy access. The first twelve are directly accessibleusing the RC1 Favorites buttons.6. This button allows access to the Display dimmenu available at each Control Pad.7. This LED (Light Emitting Diode) lightsto indicate a button push.8. The RC1 remote provides a discrete mutefunction to quickly silence the zone's output.9. This is another dual function button. Innormal playback mode it scrolls through thesources, or in menu mode it selects a highlightedmenu choice.10. This IR programmable button togglesbetween the play and pause functions of the chosensource. When using the T2G Tuners, this buttontoggles through the Tuner’s receive modes.11. This button enters the menu features of theControl Pad. When in Menu mode the Volume upand down buttons scroll through the menu choices.12. This allows access to the sleep timer mode.13. These buttons are currently inactive.Power:Volume:Function Buttons:Forward and Reverse:Favorites:DISP:Function LED:MUTE:SOURCE/OK:Play/Pause:MENU:Sleep:G1 and G2: