Re-Ordering Macro CodesMacros (updated)After a code is added to a macro, highlighting a code andclicking on the or button will reorder the codes.After editing a macro, the macro list is updated to show thenumber of IR codes and the display name.Note that the Macro tab has an additional button at thebottom that says “Update Macros From Library.” If codeswere edited in any way in an IR library after a source hasbeen defined in the Source tab, this button willautomatically pull those changes into the Macro Definitionwindow.Ý ß4.1.3 Control Macros4.1.1 Creating a Preset Macro StringAn additional option within the Macro tab is the ability toestablish multiple control macros. These macros areintended for instant access to control functions and are anoptional feature. If a control macro is created, an additionalsource menu item is also created titled “Control” precededby the three character “short name” assigned in the Sourcetab.Creating a control macro is the same process outlined inon page 17.215. Zones (Fig. 24)Up to 20 zones can be defined with the Grand Concerto. Eachzone can be defined with unique properties.You will notice that the zone tab contains 20 entries for zoneControl Pads. The system can accommodate a total of20Control Pads by using the slave function in the “Edit ZoneProperties” window. A slave Control Pad is homerun to the EZPort, but automatically shares the same functions and worksin tandem with the main zone Control Pad. Up to three slaveControl Pads can operate on a single zone.Fig. 245.1 Edit Zone Properties (Fig. 25)Double-clicking on a zone number opens the “Edit ZoneProperties” window. Specific properties defining that zoneare set here.Fig. 25