182.5 Adding a Function Code (Fig. 17)If a required IR function is not in the list of those provided inthe library template, it is possible to add a code to the listby clicking the “Create New” button. The pull-down menucontains a list of all standard IR codes. A name not found inthe list can be typed in, but it is recommended that you usethe names provided in the list. This conserves memory in theGrand Concerto. Clicking on the “OK” button proceedsdirectly to the IR recording process.Fig. 172.6 Cleaning Up an IR LibraryUnused IR codes can be deleted from the list by highlightingthe code and either clicking the ”Delete” button or right-clicking and selecting “Delete.”When you are finished editing the library, select “Done.”3. Defining SourcesThe “Sources” tab allows you to define the sourcecomponent attached to each of the six source inputs. All sixsources are not needed, but at least one source must bedefined.3.1 Select or Edit Source (Fig. 18)Double-clicking on a blank source will open the “SelectSource” window. This window assigns the appropriate sourcenumber input. The “Display Name” is the text that will beread on the Control Pad when that source is selected in anyzone. The display name can contain only capital letters,numbers, and some punctuation. If an invalid key is typed, itwill be ignored.The “Make” field defines the manufacturer of theequipment. A drop-down menu allows you to choose asource from the IR Library. The “Model” field provides adrop-down menu that allows you to choose the specificpiece of source equipment from the selected manufacturer.An important feature of the “Select Source” window is the“Gain” level control. Different pieces of source equipmenttend to have different levels of audio output signal. Thisslider control allows you to compensate for equipment thathas an inherently lower volume level. By using thisadjustment, when switching between sources, relativevolume levels remain constant.When the appropriate information has been completed, click“OK.” This will add the updated source information to the“Source” window. When all the desired sources have beendefined, go to “Next” and proceed to the “Macros” setup.Fig. 18