105 N V I D I A C o r p o r a t i o nC h a p t e r 8 D e v i c e S e l e c t i o n A n d C o n f i g u r a t i o nthe GeForce4 MX series and newer GPUs. The last category of TV encodersupports GPU families that are older than those just mentioned.Figure 8.24 Device Adjustments: TV Output Panel• Screen Positioning: Click the arrow buttons to adjust the position of thedesktop on the TV.Note: If the TV picture becomes scrambled or is blank due to over-adjustment, simply wait 10 seconds; the picture will automaticallyreturn to its default position. Then you can begin your adjustmentsagain. Once you have positioned the desktop where you want it, clickTable 8.1 TV Encoders and Supported TV Adjustment FeaturesTV EncodersSupported TV Adjustment FeaturesBrightness Saturation Screen Size Positioning Flicker FilterIntegrated x x xChrontel x x x xPhillips xConexant x x xConexant (with olderNVIDIA GPUs) x x x xClick the arrows toadjust the positionof the desktop onthe TV.this example.options than what is shown inchip, you may see differentencoder on your graphicsNote: Depending on the TVClick any of the sliders andmove it to adjust options suchas Flicker filter, Brightness,and Saturation of your TVimage.