31 N V I D I A C o r p o r a t i o nC h a p t e r 3 N V I D I A D r i v e r F e a t u r e H i s t o r y• GL_WGL_swap_interval extension can change Vsync behavior.• Vsync is on by default. (Default behavior is selectable from the NVIDIAOpenGL properties tab.)• Default anisotropic filtering can be triggered by checking the anisotropicfiltering box on the NVIDIA OpenGL properties tab.• Enabling GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH no longer forces software rendering, resulting inmuch better performance at some cost in visual quality.Direct3DRelease 5 contains the following Direct3D changes:• Accelerated full-scene antialiasing is enabled (GeForce, GeForce2).• Limited three-stage setup is now possible.• D3DVTXPCAPS_MATERIALSOURCE7 capability bit is now disabled (leaving thedriver with DirectX 6 material source capabilities)The following Registry keys are useful for applications that do not blitcorrectly:• FLUSHAFTERBLITENABLE is a new Registry key that controls the wait-after-blitcondition when the DDBLT_WAIT flag is set.(Default is DISABLED—do not wait.)Note: This Registry key was formerly named WAITAFTERBLITENABLE.• FORCEBLITWAITFLAGENABLE is a new Registry key that forces the DDBLT_WAITflag to be set for all blits, which prevents applications that do not check thereturn value from unexpectedly losing blits.(Default is DISABLED.)• LIMITMAXQUEUEDFBBLITSENABLE is a new Registry key that limits the maximumnumber of queued blits to the front buffer to a value set by thePRERENDERLIMIT Registry key, which is 3 by default.(Default is DISABLED.)Display Properties – Settings – Advanced TabsNVIDIA now provides tabs (Display Properties >Settings > Advanced) forWindows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000.