35 N V I D I A C o r p o r a t i o nC h a p t e r 5 U s i n g n V i e w M u l t i - D i s p l a y M o d e s : D u a l v i e w v s . S p a n / C l o n eC H A P T E RUSING NVIEW MULTI-DISPLAY MODES:DUALVIEW VS. SPAN/CLONEThis chapter contains the following major sections:• “nView Dualview vs. Span and Clone Modes” on page 35• “nView Dualview Mode” on page 38• “nView Span and Clone Modes” on page 52• “Enabling nView Modes: Windows NT 4.0” on page 62• “Multi-Display Mode: Arranging Displays on the Windows DisplayProperties Settings Panel” on page 62nView Dualview vs. Span and Clone ModesWhen using NVIDIA products that are multi-display capable, there are threeways to run multi-display configurations under most operating system;Dualview, Span, or Clone mode.• nView Dualview and Span/Clone modes are mutually exclusive. Thismeans that you cannot access nView Span or Clone Mode if you haveDualview mode enabled. Conversely, you cannot access Dualview mode ifyou have nView Span or Clone Mode enabled.Note: As explained in Chapter 1, the nView Display Mode option in theMedia Center menu will always be visible when you are not inDualview mode (Figure 5.1). When you are in Dualview mode, thenView Display Mode option is replaced by the Device Selection option(Figure 5.2).