12 Fax/Scan function troubleshooting12-8 VL3622/VL4222/VL502212.3.3 Network fax error code tableWhen any trouble occurs during network fax transmission, this machine displays an error screen with an errorcode in the "Nxx" format. Refer to the following table for corrective action.Transmission System Error CodeCode Type Error contents Redial ON or OFF RemedyN10 Connection error Connection error inrecipient’s ma-chineOFF • Check the status of the re-cipient’s machine.• Check the network settingsof this machine.• Check with the network ad-ministrator that the networkis operating normally.N11 Connection error Connection withthe Recipient’s ma-chine rejectedOFF The reception was rejected.Check the status of the recipi-ent’s machine.N12 Connection error Telephone line dis-connectionON Check whether a network errorexists, such as an unpluggedcable.N13 Connection error No network re-sponseOFF • Check the status of the re-cipient’s machine.• Check the network settingsof this machine.• Check with the network ad-ministrator that the networkis operating normally.N14 Protocol error Mail distribution er-rorOFF Check the recipient’s status andthen try sending the fax again.N15 Protocol error Recipient’s ma-chine connectionresetON Check the recipient’s status andthen try sending the fax again.N16 Protocol error One’s own networkis busyON Check the recipient’s status andthen try sending the fax again.N17 Protocol error Communicationtime outOFF Check the recipient’s status andthen try sending the fax again.N18 Other errors Other errors OFF • Check whether each settingis correct.• Check whether a networkerror exists, such as an un-plugged cable.• Switch the main power sup-ply OFF/ON, and then trysending the fax again.N20 Memory error Memory overflow OFF Memory is full.• Check that there are no oth-er jobs being processed.• Decrease the number ofpages to be set, reduce thescanning resolution, and trysending the fax again.N21 HDD error HDD error OFF HDD is full.• Delete unwanted files.• Decrease the number ofpages to be set, reduce thescanning resolution, and trysending the fax again.N22 Conversion error Conversion error OFF Switch the main power supplyOFF/ON, and then try sendingthe fax again.N25 Memory overflow Memory overflow OFF Memory is full.• Check that there are no oth-er jobs being processed.• Decrease the number ofpages to be set, reduce thescanning resolution, and trysending the fax again.