Scan-to-EmailThe ease of scan-to-emailHow does scan-to-email workYou can scan your documents to an Email address. You simply scan your documentsand the digital document is sent as an attachment.To whom can I send my scanned documentsYour company or department decides how you can use scan-to-email.[45]DescriptionHow canscan-to-email beinstalledYou can only send scanned documents to your own Emailaddress. You may be asked to enter an identification code‘Scan-to-email without using a keyboard’ on page 134.Scan-to-email tomy addressYou can send the scanned document not only to your ownEmail address. You can add more addresses. The Systemadministrator decides to which Email addresses you can sendthe Emails ‘Scan-to-email using a keyboard’ on page 136.Note: Your machine must have a keyboard toenter the addresses.Scan-to-email notonly to my addressIdentify yourselfWhen you want to use scan-to-email the system needs to know who you are. Beforethe scanning starts, you are asked to enter an identification code or a user name whenthe system does not know who you are. When you are already logged in using thekeyboard, you will not be asked for an identification code.131Chapter 7 - The scan jobsThe ease of scan-to-email