The ease of your mailboxWhy using the mailboxWhen you print a document to your mailbox, the document remains in your mailboxuntil you start printing the document on the operator panel. You do not need to walkto your printer each time to collect your prints, but you can start printing all documentstogether.The Océ VarioPrint® 1055/65/75 also has a Smart mailbox function and a Pocketmailbox function. You can use the Smart mailbox to print the documents that you sentto other mailboxes ‘The ease of fetching documents from your other mailboxes’ onpage 74. The Pocket mailbox enables you to print documents you stored on a USBstick ‘Print a document from your USB stick’ on page 82.You can run the Océ Intra Logic application to view or manage the mailbox jobs fromyour computer.What can you do with the documents in your mailbox?What can you do with your mailbox?n Print your documents. When you open your mailbox, you can see all documentsyou sent to the Océ VarioPrint® 1055/65/75 ‘Open your mailbox’ on page 60.You can select all documents, all new documents or only one document ‘Printyour documents’ on page 61.n Change the print job settings. If the settings you defined in the printer driver arenot correct, you can change these settings before you print the document ‘Changethe document settings’ on page 64.n Print the job several times. After you have printed the document, it remains in themailbox.n Make a test print. If you need many sets, you are advised to first make a test printto check the settings.When do the documents go into your mailbox?When does a document go into your mailbox?n You select 'Mailbox' in the printer driver ‘Send a document to your mailbox’ onpage 53.n You select 'Security' in the printer driver ‘Send a secured document to your mailbox’on page 58.n You press the 'Retrieve jobs' key . The jobs you sent to other printers becomeyour mailbox jobs ‘Fetch documents from your other mailboxes’ on page 77.49Chapter 5 - The print jobsThe ease of your mailbox