C5300 Menu Functions • 187Print MenuNote: Factory default settings are shown in bold.Item Settings ExplanationCOPIES 1 to 999 Enter the number of copies ofa document to be printed.DUPLEX ONOFFTurns the duplex (2-sided)printing function on or off ifthis option is installed.PAPER FEED TRAY1TRAY2MP TRAYSelects the default tray forpaper feed.AUTO TRAYSWITCHONOFFIf two trays contain identicalprint media, the printer canswitch to an alternate traywhen the current tray runs outin the middle of a print job.TRAY SEQUENCE DOWNUPPAPER FEED TRAYSets the sequence in whichthe printer will seek analternate tray with the samemedia size should thecurrently selected tray run outof media while printing a job.MP TRAY USAGE DO NOT USEWHEN MISMATCHXXXIf a document to be printeddemands a paper size notinstalled in the selected tray,the printer can automaticallyfeed from the Multi-PurposeTray instead. If this function isnot enabled, the printer willstop and request that thecorrect size be loaded.MEDIA CHECK ENABLEDISABLESet to DISABLE if you do notwish the printer to check tosee if the size paper loaded inthe selected tray matches thatrequired for the documentbeing printed.