C5300 Software Utilities • 345TroubleshootingQ. The printer I selected is not shown in the “Printer - Add aprinter” menu.A. If it is offline, the printer will not be shown. Check to see that theprinter is not offline. There are times the printer is not shownduring printing. Wait for a while and try again. If it is still not shown,specify that printer's IP address.Q. The content of Log Pane (right side of window) is notupdated.A. Run the “Log - Update to the latest status” menu.Q. The following message was displayed: “Cannot connect tothe printer. Wait for a while and try again.”A. Check that the printer is not offline. This message is sometimesdisplayed during printing. Wait for a while and try again.Q. The following message was displayed in the “Printer - Deletea Printer” menu. “Cannot delete while log is being acquired.”A. Run the “Printer - Start/End Log” menu first to cancel the processby which print logs are acquired from the printer at the set intervaltime, and then run the “Printer - Delete a Printer” menu.