C5300 Software Utilities • 309• If the hard disk memory is insufficient for the spooled data, themessage DISK FULL appears.• If the software application has a collate print option, it must beturned OFF before you print overlays.• Overlay printing cannot be done using the Windows 2000PostScript driver or the Macintosh driver.Using Overlays: Windows 2000 and XP PCLIn Windows 2000, overlays can only be printed using the PCL driver.Defining Overlays: 2000 PCL1. Click Start → Settings → Printers.2. Right click the PCL printer icon, then click Printing Preferences.The Printing Preferences dialog box appears.3. Click the Overlay tab.4. Click Define Overlays.5. Under Overlay Name, enter a name for the overlay.6. Under ID Value, enter the ID number for the file saved using theStorage Device Manager software (see the File List printout).7. In the Print on Pages drop-down list, select on which pages theoverlay is to be printed, or select Custom and enter specific pagenumbers under Custom pages.8. Click Add, then click Close.The overlay you defined appears in the Defined overlays list.9. Click OK and close the Printers dialog box.Printing Using Overlays: 2000 PCL1. Open the document in the software application.2. Click File → Print.The Print dialog box appears.3. Click the Overlay tab.4. Under Defined Overlays, click any overlays you wish to use (toselect more than one, press the Ctrl key while selecting thenames), then click Add.• Each name appears in the Active overlays box.