Menu functions> 127C DARKNESSM DARKNESSY DARKNESSK DARKNESS-3~0~+3-3~0~+3-3~0~+3-3~0~+3Adjusts darkness of each colourcomponent (cyan, magenta, yellowand black). Normal setting is 0.AJSTREGISTRATIONEXECUTE Performs automatic colourregistration adjustment. Normallythis is done on power on and whenthe top cover is opened and thenclosed. This process accuratelyaligns the cyan, magenta and yellowimages to the black image.C REG FINEAJSTM REG FINEAJSTY REG FINEAJST-3~0~+3-3~0~+3-3~0~+3Performs fine adjustment of imagetiming in relation to the black imagecomponent.INKSIMULATIONOFFSWOPEUROSCALEJAPANSelects from a range of industrystandard colour swatches.UCR LOWMEDIUMHIGHCMY 100%DENSITYDISABLEENABLEWhen enabled, black areas areproduced using 100% C, M, and Yinstead of black. This results in aglossier finish.I TEM S ETTINGS E XPLANATIONDownloaded From Manuals