Colour matching> 83PURE BLACK TEXT / GRAPHICSWhen your document is printed, often the pure black colours willnot be printed using 100% black toner. Instead, these pure blackcolours are sometimes converted and printed using a mixture ofCMYK toner.Using the Pure Black Text / Graphics feature ensures that 100%black text or graphics in your document is printed using pureblack toner.This means that the following colours in your documents will beprinted using only 100% black toner:RGB Red = 0, Green = 0, Blue = 0CMYK Cyan = 0%, Yellow = 0%, Magenta = 0%,Black = 100%COLOUR MATCH PRECISIONWhen the printer performs colour matching, it must do manycalculations to convert between different colour formats (RGB,CMYK, etc.). These calculations can take time to process.The [Colour Match Precision] option allows you to choosebetween higher quality colour matching (more time consuming)or faster but less accurate colour matching.Downloaded From Manuals