CX2032 MFP Userís Guide Print settings and security67Postscript emulationPS Layout Tab.eps1. Page orientation sets portrait(tall) or landscape (wide) pageorientation. The ìrotatedîrotates the paper through 90degrees anti-clockwise.2. When printing double sidedpages (duplex unit required).You can flip the paper either onits long edge or short edge.3. Pages can be printed inforward or reverse order. Ifusing the face down (top) paper stacker, forward order is usuallyappropriate to ensure that pages are stacked in numerical order.If using the face up (rear) paper stacker, reverse order wouldnormally stack your pages in numerical order.4. You can specify how many pages to print on a sheet. Pages willbe scaled to fit the number you choose. If you choose bookletprinting (requires duplex unit) two pages will automatically beset, and pages will be printed with the correct pages opposite oneanother so that folding the stacked printout produces a booklet.5. Advanced options are also available, such as how to downloadTrueType fonts, and whether advanced options such as bookletprinting are available.The printer driver contains extensive on-line help for these items to helpyou make the most appropriate choices.PCL emulationWhen you click the Properties button fromyour applicationís Print dialog, the driverwindow opens to allow you to specify yourprinting preferences for this document.5550 Setup Tab_oda.jpg1. Paper size should be the same as thepage size of your document (unlessyou wish to scale the printout to fitanother size), and should also be thesame as the size of paper you willfeed into the MFP.You can choose thesource of the paper to feed, whichmay be Tray 1 (the standard paper15234