MB280- 36 -Parameters/SetupAdjust to pageThis menu allows you to print out received faxesautomatically adjusting them to the page format.Received faxes are then automatically reduced orenlarged to fit the page format which is used on themachine.To turn adjust to page mode on:!245 - SETUP / RECEPTION / AUTO ADJUST.1 Press !, enter 245 using the keypad.2 Select the option ON or OFF and confirm with OK.3 To exit this menu, press .Received faxes reduction modeThis menu allows you to reduce received faxes forprinting. This adjustment can be automatic or manual.Automatic mode:This mode automatically resizes received faxes.To set automatic mode:!246 - SETUP / RECEPTION / REDUCTION1 Press !, enter 246 using the keypad.2 Select AUTOMATIC and confirm with OK.3 To exit this menu, press .Manual mode:The machine proposes a 70 to 100 % reduction. Outsidethese values, the machine beeps for error. This fixedreduction will be used when printing received documents,regardless of the used paper format.To set the manual mode:!246 - SETUP / RECEPTION / REDUCTION1 Press !, enter 246 using the keypad.2 Select FIXED and confirm with OK.3 Enter the reduction value (between 70 and 100)and confirm with OK.4 To exit this menu, press .Technical ParametersAs delivered your machine is preset by default. However,you may adjust it to meet your requirements by resettingthe technical parameters.To set the technical parameters:!29 - SETUP / TECHNICALS1 Press !, enter 29 using the keypad.2 Select the desired parameter and confirm with OK.3 With the keys ! or ", modify the parametersettings by following the table below and press OK.Parameter Signification1 - Scanning mode Default value of the scan moderesolution for the documents to betransmitted.2 - TX header Important: this parameter is bydefault activated on the US modeland cannot be modified.If this parameter is on, your headerwill appear on all documents sentto your subscribers with yourname, number, date and numberof pages.Warning: If you send a fax fromthe document loader, thetransmission header will notappear on the document yourcorrespondent receives.3 - TX speed Transmission speed for outgoingdocuments.For a quality telephone line(compatible, no echo),communications occur atmaximum speed.However, it may be necessary torestrict the transmission speed forsome calls.4 - Echo protect If this parameter is on, the on-lineecho will be reduced during longdistance calls.6 - EPT mode For some long distance calls(satellite), the on-line echo maydisturb the call.7 - COM. display Choice between transmissionspeed displayed or number of thepage in progress.8 - Eco energy Choosing the printer standbydelay: the printer will switch tostandby after a delay (in minutes)of NON-operation or during theperiod of time of your choice.Note: you can also access thisparameter by pressing thekey from the idle screen.10 - RX header If this parameter is on, alldocuments received by your faxwill include the subscriber’s headerwith his/her name, number (ifavailable) fax print date and thepage number.