Character Set: Choose IBM Character Set 1, Set 2 or EPSON. (See AppencCode Page: The selected Code Page is available as the IBM Character SetsAll Character Set. The characters are accessed in the same way, using theESC 7 to select Character Set I, ESC 6 to select Character Set II and ESC л сn2 to select the All Character Set. The Code Pages can be found in AppendiAll of the printing modes are available when the Code Page option is selecteThe Code Page option must be set to USA (Code Page 437) in order to access tCharacter Sets (refer to Appendix B). The Multilingual Code Page (850) \international characters which have replaced many of the mathematical symbgraphics found in the All Character Set. The other Code Pages contain charaare more specific to the requirements of an individual country, for example Cod(Norway).Language Set: These sets replace certain symbols with special charactersrespective foreign languages.Zero Character: Choose Slashed when it is important to distinguish betweena capital letter O.Slashed Letter 0: Character 0(155) and ¥(l 57) will be set to 0 and 0 , if this isThe following items are used only if the optional serial interface has been in;Appendix С for details.Parity: Selects parity.Serial Data 7- or 8-Bit: Selects data format.Protocol: Selects interface protocol.Diagnostic Test: Activates the printer's interface diagnostic test.Busy Line: Selects line used for busy signal.Baud Rate: Selects data transmission speed.DSR Signal: Sets the Data Set Ready (DSR) signal.DTR Signal: Selects Data Terminal Ready (DTR) signal status.Busy Time: Sets busy signal timing.Note: When the Serial Data 7-/8-Bits is set to 7, the parity must be set to either ODD or EVEN. 7will not be accepted if the parity is set to NONE.1 - 1 0