1286432Byte 1 164211286432Byte 2 16842112864Byte 3 ?§8421EpsonThe variables n1 and n2 tell the printer how many columns of data you will bRemember, forthe 24-pin modes, each column is made up of three bytes. Eighthave one byte of data per column. To calculate the values for these varidetermine how many columns of dots there will be in your graphics image,number by 256 and assign the whole number result to n2. Assign the remaindour triangle example, each triangle requires 48 columns. We will be printingtriangles, however, so the total number of columns in the image is 288 (6 x 4J288 by 256 gives a value of 1 for n2 with a remainder of 32, which we will as:Now that we have selected our density and decided how wide the image willwrite a BASIC statement that sends the command to begin high resolution grEpson LQ/IBM Proprinter X24/XL24 AGMLPRINT CHR$(27);"*";CHR$(40);CHR$(32);CHR$(1);IBM Proprinter X24/XL24LPRINT CHR$(27);"[g";CHR$(32);CHR$(1);CHR$(12);Important: Be sure to include the semicolon (;) at the end of this statement. That way, the printeia carriage return and line feed before your graphics data.Since our example illustrates 24-pin graphics, each column is made up of threeight dots, arranged vertically. To print each column, you will need to send thrdata. The first byte you send controls the top eight dots in the column, the scontrols the middle, and the third controls the bottom eight dots.The listing overleaf is the BASIC program for the Epson and IBM XL24 AGMthat generates rows of six triangles in various densities.Note: When you are typing in the program, you do not have to include lines beginning witlcomments that appear after an apostrophe (') in a program line. You can also combine the DA7into longer lines.5-6