Print FeaturesUnderlining Decimal Hexa-decimal ASCII СUnderlining 27 45 n 1B 2D n ESC-n En = 1: Begin underlining n = 0: End underliningThis command underscores all characters, including the space character, butunderscore graphics or the space produced by a horizontal tab character.Overscore Decimal I .I decimal ASCII СOverscore 27 95 n 1B5Fn ESC_n Pn = 1: Begin overscore n = 0: End overscoreIBMThis command prints a continuous line over all characters, including the spacebut does not overscore the space produced by a horizontal tab command.Set Scoring style Decimal Hexa-decimal ASCII СSet Scoring style 27 40 45 1В 28 2D ESC(- En1 n2 m n1 n2 m n1 n2 md1 d2 d1 d2 d1 d2EPSONThis command lets you specify the style and location of line scoring. n1 must bebe 0 and m must be 1. The various combinations of these two features are detethe values given to the valuables d1 and d2, with d1 controlling the location of liand d2 controlling the style.d1 Location | d2 Style1 underline 0 cancel scoring2 strike-through 1 single line3 overscore 2 double line5 single, broken line6 double, broken line