4 - EnglishLimited Warranty, US and CanadaU.S. and Canada onlyOki Data Americas, Inc. (Oki Data) warrants thisMPS4200mb (hereinafter "the Product") to be free fromdefects in material and workmanship and will remedy anysuch defect according to the terms of this LimitedWarranty.Oki Data will repair (or at its option, replace) at no charge,any defective component(s) of the Product for 90 daysfrom the date of purchase except for the printheads (LEDimaging arrays), which are warranted for a period of five(5) years from date of purchase. This Limited Warrantyextends to the original purchaser only. This LimitedWarranty does not extend to consumable items.On-Site RepairNote: On-Site Repair is available in the UnitedStates and Canada only. On-Site Repair doesnot include the replacement or repair ofproduct consumables or supplies.Oki Data will, for a period of 90 days from the date oforiginal purchase, repair or replace (at Oki Data'soption) on-site at the original purchaser's facility andwithout charge, any defective component(s) of theproduct, provided that the warranty service isperformed by an Oki Data authorized service provider.The printheads (LED imaging arrays) have a 5-yearparts only warranty from date of original purchase.Following the first year of warranty coverage, theprintheads will be replaced by an authorized Oki Dataservice provider at Oki Data's then current labor rates.Oki Data reserves the right to use new and/orrefurbished parts in the warranty repair process. If theproduct or a component of the product is beingreplaced, the replacement product or component will bewarranted for thirty (30) days or the remainingwarranty period of the replaced product, whichever islonger.As a condition of this Limited Warranty, requests forOn-Site Repair must include the name and phonenumber of a fully competent and responsible adult withthe authority to consent to the entry of the servicingtechnician to the premises where the product is located,and who will remain with the servicing technician whilethe service work is performed. Any and all dangerousconditions must be removed from the site prior to andthroughout the time a service technician is present. Theservice technician may refrain from entering thepremises or continuing to provide services at any site, ifin the servicing technician's reasonable judgement thesite poses a risk of physical harm or danger. If warrantyservices cannot be performed or completed due to anyof the foregoing reasons the On-Site service option isnull and void and the product must be returned to anauthorized Oki Data service location for warranty repairservice.To make request or claim for service under this LimitedWarranty contact your local Oki Data authorized servicecenter or Oki Data at 1-800-OKI-DATA(1-800-654-3282).A written receipt for the product, showing the date ofpurchase, dealer’s name, and both the model and serialnumbers of this product must accompany any request orclaim for work to be performed under this LimitedWarranty.This Limited Warranty shall not apply if the product hasbeen damaged due to abuse, misuse, misapplication,accident, or as a result of service or modification by anyother than an authorized Oki Data service center.THERE ARE NO EXPRESS WARRANTIES OTHER THANTHOSE ON THE FACE HEREOF AND DESCRIBEDABOVE. NO WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESS ORIMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANYIMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY ORFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, SHALLEXTEND BEYOND THE RESPECTIVE WARRANTYPERIOD DESCRIBED ABOVE.Some states do not allow limitations on how long animplied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may notapply to you.OKI DATA SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE ORLIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR LOSS ARISINGFROM THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT. Some states donot allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental orconsequential damages, so the above exclusion may notapply to you.Except for the warranty coverage referenced above,NEITHER OKI DATA NOR ITS SUPPLIERS SHALLHAVE ANY LIABILITY OR OBLIGATION TOCUSTOMER OR ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY CLAIM,LOSS, DAMAGE, OR EXPENSE CAUSED IN WHOLE ORIN PART, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, BY THEINADEQUACY OF ANY PRODUCTS FOR ANYPURPOSE, BY ANY DEFICIENCY OR DEFECT IN ANYPRODUCTS (WHETHER OR NOT COVERED BY ANYWARRANTY), BY THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF ANYPRODUCTS OR BY ANY FAILURE OR DELAY IN OKIDATA’S PERFORMANCE HEREUNDER, OR FOR ANYSPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGE, HOWEVER CAUSEDINCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, PERSONALINJURY OR LOSS OF BUSINESS OR PROFIT,WHETHER OR NOT CUSTOMER SHALL HAVEINFORMED OKI DATA OF THE POSSIBILITY ORLIKELIHOOD OF ANY SUCH DAMAGES.Customer’s exclusive remedy under these warranties islimited, at OKI Data’s election, to any one of (a) refund ofcustomer’s purchase price, (b) repair by OKI Data or themanufacturer of any products found to be defective, or (c)replacement of any such product.Except as specifically set forth in this paragraph, THEREARE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OFANY KIND BY OKI DATA OR ANY AGENT OREMPLOYEE THEREOF, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ASTO THE CONDITION OR PERFORMANCE OF ANYPRODUCTS, THEIR MERCHANTABILITY, ORFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OROTHERWISE. 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