d-Color MF552/452/362/282/222 7-377 Printing Fax ReportsThe following types of fax reports are available. Automatically print if certain conditions are satisfied, andprinted manually.Report name Description[Activity Report] This report contains results of sent and received faxes.A total of 700 jobs are recorded on separate pages for transmission and re-ception.The activity report is automatically printed. Records containing only trans-mission or reception jobs can be printed as required.By default, the report is automatically printed for every 100 communications.• You can change the print conditions as necessary. For details, refer topage 11-28 ([Activity Report]).[TX Result Report] This report contains the results of fax transmission. By default, the report isautomatically printed when a transmission failure occurs.• You can change the timings for printing if necessary. For details, refer topage 11-28 ([TX Result Report]).[Polling TX Report] This report contains polling transmission results. By default, the report is au-tomatically printed when a polling transmission has failed.• You can change the timings for printing if necessary. For details, refer topage 11-28 ([TX Result Report]).[Polling RX Report] This report contains results of polling reception. By default, the report is au-tomatically printed when a polling reception has failed.• You can change the timings for printing if necessary. For details, refer topage 11-28 ([TX Result Report]).[Sequential Polling RXReport]This report contains results of faxes received by polling from multiple desti-nations. By default, the report is automatically printed when faxes from mul-tiple destinations are received by polling.• You can select whether to print the Sequential Polling RX Report. For de-tails, refer to page 11-28 ([Sequential TX Report]).[Broadcast Report] This report contains results of faxes sent by broadcast. By default, the reportis automatically printed upon completion of the broadcast transmission.• You can select whether to print the Broadcast Report. For details, referto page 11-28([Sequential TX Report]).• You can change how destinations should be printed on the report. Fordetails, refer to page 11-28 ([Broadcast Result Report]).[Reservation Communi-cation Report]This report contains records of reserved fax transmissions. By default, thereport is automatically printed when a fax transmission is reserved.• You can select whether to print the Reservation Communication Report.For details, refer to page 11-28 ([Timer Reservation TX Report]).[Reservation Polling TXReport]This report contains records of reserved polling transmissions. By default,the report is automatically printed when a polling transmission is reserved.• You can select whether to print the Reservation Polling TX Report. Fordetails, refer to page 11-28 ([Timer Reservation TX Report]).[Broadcast Reserved Re-port]This report contains records of reserved broadcast transmissions. By de-fault, the report is automatically printed when a broadcast transmission is re-served.• You can select whether to print the Broadcast Reserved Report. For de-tails, refer to page 11-28 ([Timer Reservation TX Report]).[An address Polling RxReserved Report]This report contains records of reservations on polling RX jobs for one ad-dress. By default, the report is automatically printed when a polling RX job isreserved from one address.• You can select whether to print the An address Polling RX Reserved Re-port. For details, refer to page 11-28 ([Timer Reservation TX Report]).[Sequence Polling Rx Re-served Report]This report contains records of reservation on polling RX jobs for multiple ad-dresses. By default, the report is automatically printed when a polling RX jobis reserved from multiple addresses.• You can select whether to print the Sequence Polling RX Reserved Re-port. For details, refer to page 11-28 ([Timer Reservation TX Report]).