88 ENIF ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES APPLY ASA MATTER OF LAW, THEY ARE LIMITED INDURATION TO THE LENGTH OF THIS LIMITEDWARRANTY.SOME STATES MAY NOT RECOGNIZEA DISCLAIMER OR LIMITATION OFWARRANTIES AND/OR LIMITATION OFLIABILITY SO THE ABOVE DISCLAIMERS ANDEXCLUSIONS MAY NOT APPLY.THE CUSTOMER MAY ALSO HAVEDIFFERENT AND/OR ADDITIONAL RIGHTSAND REMEDIES THAT VARY FROM STATE TOSTATE.THE CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES ANDAGREES THAT OLYMPUS SHALL NOT BERESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGES THATTHE CUSTOMER MAY INCUR FROM DELAYEDSHIPMENT, PRODUCT FAILURE, PRODUCTDESIGN, SELECTION, OR PRODUCTION,IMAGE OR DATA LOSS OR IMPAIRMENTOR FROM ANY OTHER CAUSE, WHETHERLIABILITY IS ASSERTED IN CONTRACT, TORT(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE AND STRICTPRODUCT LIABILITY) OR OTHERWISE. IN NOEVENT SHALL OLYMPUS BE LIABLE FOR ANYINDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIALOR SPECIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND(INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION LOSSOF PROFITS OR LOSS OF USE), WHETHEROR NOT OLYMPUS SHALL BE OR SHOULDBE AWARE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCHPOTENTIAL LOSS OR DAMAGE.Representations and warranties made by anyperson, including but not limited to dealers,representatives, salespersons, or agents ofOlympus, which are inconsistent or in conflictwith or in addition to the terms of this limitedwarranty, shall not be binding upon Olympusunless reduced to writing and approved by anexpressly authorized officer of Olympus.This limited warranty is the complete andexclusive statement of warranty whichOlympus agrees to provide with respect to theProducts and it shall supersede all prior andcontemporaneous oral or written agreements,understandings, proposals, and communicationspertaining to the subject matter hereof.This limited warranty is exclusively for thebenefit of the original customer and cannot betransferred or assigned.WHAT TO DO WHEN SERVICE IS NEEDEDThe customer must transfer any image or otherdata saved on a Product to another image ordata storage medium and/or remove any filmfrom the Product prior to sending the Product toOlympus for service.IN NO EVENT SHALL OLYMPUS BERESPONSIBLE FOR SAVING, KEEPING ORMAINTAINING ANY IMAGE OR DATA SAVEDON A PRODUCT RECEIVED BY IT FORSERVICE, OR ON ANY FILM CONTAINEDWITHIN A PRODUCT RECEIVED BY ITFOR SERVICE, NOR SHALL OLYMPUS BERESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGES INTHE EVENT ANY IMAGE OR DATA IS LOSTOR IMPAIRED WHILE SERVICE IS BEINGPERFORMED (INCLUDING, WITHOUTLIMITATION, DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES,LOSS OF PROFITS OR LOSS OF USE),WHETHER OR NOT OLYMPUS SHALL BE ORSHOULD BE AWARE OF THE POSSIBILITY OFSUCH POTENTIAL LOSS OR IMPAIRMENT.Package the Product carefully using amplepadding material to prevent damage in transitand either deliver it to the Authorized OlympusDealer that sold you the Product or ship itpostage prepaid and insured to any of ourOlympus Service Centers.When returning Products for service, yourpackage should include the following:1 Sales receipt showing date and place ofpurchase.2 Copy of this limited warranty bearing theProduct serial number corresponding to theserial number on the Product (unless it is amodel on which Olympus does not place andrecord serial numbers).3 A detailed description of the problem.4 Sample prints, negatives, digital prints (or files ondisk) if available and related to the problem.When service is completed, the Product will bereturned to you postage prepaid.WHERE TO SEND PRODUCT FORSERVICESee “WORLDWIDE WARRANTY” for the nearestservice center.INTERNATIONAL WARRANTY SERVICEInternational warranty service is available underthis warranty.