Chapter 16 Performing HotSync ® Operations182With File Link you can import data stored in any of the following formats:n Comma-separated (*.csv)n Memo Pad archive (*.mpa)n Address Book archive (*.aba)n Text (*.txt)For information on how to set up a file link, see the Palm Desktop online Help.NOTE The File Link feature is not available in Palm Desktop software for Mac.Creating a user profileA user profile enables you to install the same set of data onto multiple Palm OShandhelds before each handheld is individualized with a specific user name anddata file.A handheld that is preconfigured with a user profile can be given to anyonebecause the handheld is not yet identified by a unique user name. The handheldacquires a unique user name when the new user performs his or her first localHotSync operation.For example, suppose a sales organization wants to distribute two dozenhandhelds that all have a common company phone list, a set of memos, and severalkey applications. A user profile can be created to install the common data beforethe handhelds are distributed to the employees who will use them. Then when theemployees perform their first HotSync operation, the common data becomes partof their individual data file.NOTE The handhelds that are synchronized with a user profile must be either newones that have never been synchronized or handhelds that have had their user namesand data removed by a hard reset.To create a user profile on a Windows computer:1. Open Palm Desktop software.2. From the Tools menu, select Users.3. Click Profiles.