– 186 –Chapter 10 Notes — Warning systemWarning systemWhen an error is detected right after the camera is turned on or during the operation, the occurrence of the error is notified in the camera image screenof the LCD monitor or by the tally lamp. Deal with the error by following the indications.Cases indicated by error messagesSystem errorScreen display Description Behavior and causeCamera image screen[SYSTEM ERROR] An error in the standard signal or communication error hasoccurred.All the tally lamps and the card access lamps (orange) willflash four times a second, and an alarm is sounded.f Set the power to < h > (standby).WarningScreen display Description Behavior and causeCamera image screen[LOW BATTERY] Remaining battery level is insufficient. All the tally lamps and the card access lamps (orange) willflash four times a second, and an alarm is sounded.The power status display becomes , and it will flashonce every second in red.f The power is turned off in approximately five seconds.f Replace with a fully charged battery, or connect the ACadaptor.[HIGH TEMPERATURE] Displayed when the internal temperature of the camera hasrisen above assumed.All the tally lamps and the card access lamps (orange) willflash four times a second, and an alarm is sounded.f The power is turned off in approximately five seconds.f Turn on the power again and check recording andplayback operations. If the problem persists, consult thedealer.[REC WARNING] An error of the recording data has occurred duringrecording, and the recording has stopped.All the tally lamps and the card access lamps (orange) willflash four times a second, and an alarm is sounded.f Recording is stopped.It has tried to record exceeding the maximum number ofclips during recording.All the tally lamps and the card access lamps (orange) willflash four times a second, and an alarm is sounded.f Recording is stopped.f [REC WARNING] [] isdisplayed in the warning display field of the STATUSscreen for the mode check.f Replace the memory card or delete unnecessary clips.[CARD ERROR ]/[CARDERROR ]A data error caused by the memory card has occurredduring recording or playback.f When it was recordingAll the tally lamps and the card access lamps (orange)will flash four times a second, and an alarm is sounded.Recording is stopped.The memory card where the error has occurred is writeprotected after recording stops. Replace the memorycard in the card slot where the error has occurred.f When it was playing backPlayback is stopped.[END](Memory card status display)The remaining recording capacity of the memory card hasexhausted during recording.All the tally lamps and the card access lamps (orange) willflash four times a second, and an alarm is sounded.f Recording is stopped.f Replace the memory card or delete unnecessary clips.(Once every second, flash in red)Battery is almost consumed. All the tally lamps will flash once every second.f The current operation will continue.f Replace with a fully charged battery, or connect the ACadaptor.Remaining recording capacity displayof the memory card(Flashes once every second duringrecording)The remaining recording capacity of the memory card isgetting low.f Recording will continue.f Replace the memory card as necessary.