24Recording Features8PAUSE9STOPHigh quality digital-to-digital copying canbe accomplished if this unit and aPalmcorder incorporate the DV Input/Output Connector (DV Interface cable isnot supplied).1 Insert a pre-recorded tape into thesource (playing) unit, and set POWERto VCR.2 Insert a blank tape with the recordtab closed into the target (recording)unit and set POWER to ON.3 Press MENU to display MAIN MENUscreen.4 Press +/– to select REC MODE , thenpress SET to display the REC MODEmenu screen.5 Press +/– to select AV JACK , thenpress SET to set to OUT/PHONES.• “DV IN” is displayed on the LCDmonitor. (p. 32)6 Press (PLAY) on the source(Playing) unit. When the tape reachesthe point from which you want to startdubbing, press (PAUSE).7 First place the target (recording) unitto play pause mode and then press(REC) to pause the tape atthe starting point of the dub.8 Simultaneously, press (PAUSE) onboth units to begin dubbing.9 Press (STOP) on the recordingunit, and then press (STOP) on theplaying unit to end dubbing.CAUTION:Unauthorized exchanging and/orcopying of copyrighted recordings maybe copyright infringement.Source (Playing)unitRecordingunitDV InterfaceCableDV Input/OutputConnectorCopying from DigitalEquipment (dubbing)Before you begin• Connect this unit and a source(Playing) unit to their power sources.• Connect this unit and a source(Playing) unit using the DV Interfacecable (4-pin to 4-pin).• Turn ON both units.7REC4, 5+/–4, 5SET3MENU