59 SD SERIAL DIGITAL COMPONENT AUDIOVIDEO OUT connectorsWhen the optional HD-SD format converter board(AJ-UDC150P) is installed in the unit, digitalcomponent audio and video signals complying withthe SMPTE 259M-C, 272M and 294M standardsare output from these connectors.Signals with the time code and menu contentssuperimposed onto them are output from the SDSDI OUT3 connector.: SD REF IN connectors and 75 Ω terminationswitchThese are the input connectors for the SDreference video signals. Input NTSC signalscontaining color burst signals.Set the termination switch to ON for termination.; HD REF IN connectors and 75 Ω terminationswitchThese are the input connectors for the HDreference video signals. Input tri-level sync signalswith both positive and negative polarities.Set the termination switch to ON for termination.< HD REF OUT connectorThe HD reference video signal for gen-lock isoutput from this connector.Tri-level sync signals with both positive andnegative polarities are output.= SD REF OUT connectorBlack burst signal for NTSC gen-lock is output fromthis connector.> DIGITAL AUDIO IN/OUT connectorsDigital audio signals complying with the AES/EBUstandards are input to and output from theseconnectors.? ENCODER REMOTE connectorThe encoder remote controller is connected here toenable the video output signal settings to beadjusted.1 AC IN socket [~AC IN]The power cable (provided with the unit) isconnected here.2 SIGNAL GND terminalThis is the grounding terminal to reduce the noiselevel.It is connected with the signal ground terminal onthe component to which the unit is connected.This is not a safety ground.3 Fuse holderThis contains a 125 V 5 A fuse.4 Cooling fanThis prevents the internal temperature from rising.5 TIME CODE IN connectorThis is the input connector for the external timecode.6 TIME CODE OUT connectorThis is the output connector for the decoded timecode.7 HD SERIAL DIGITAL COMPONENT AUDIOVIDEO IN/OUT connectorsThese HD digital component audio and video signalinput and output connectors comply with theSMPTE 292M standard.Signals with the time code and menu contentssuperimposed onto them are output from the HDSDI OUT3 connector.8 SDTI IN/OUT connectorsThese input and output connectors for compresseddata comply with the SMPTE 305M standard.Parts and Their FunctionsRear panelPUSHINOUT1AUDIO CH1·2 CH3·4 CH5·6 CH7·8SD REFINININOUTHD SDTI HD SDIOUT 3(SUPER)OUT 2OUT 1OUT 2SD SDIDIGITAL AUDIOOPTIONOUT 3(SUPER)AUDIO CH1·2 CH3·4 CH5·6 CH7·8OUTHD REFENCODER REMOTETC INSIGNALGNDTC OUT AC INFUSE125V 5ATINHD REFOUTONOFF75≠ONOFF75≠SD REFOUT35 6412?<=8 >79 : ;