139Dealing with Problems (Advanced) Battery IndicatorThe red indicator lights z The battery level is very low (the charge is approx. 9% or less).Connect the AC adaptor. You can use the computer when the battery indicatorlight is orange. If you do not have an AC adaptor, save your data and power offyour computer. After replacing the battery pack with a fully charged one, turnyour computer on.The red indicator blinks z Quickly save your data and power off your computer. Remove the battery packand disconnect the AC adaptor, then connect them again. If the problempersists, contact Panasonic Technical Support. The battery pack or chargingcircuit may be defective.The green indicator blinks *1 z In high temperature mode, the battery is discharging to the level thatcorresponds to an 80% *2 charge for normal temperature mode. (Î page 36)Do not remove the battery pack while the battery indicator is blinking green. Ifyou remove it, the power will be turned off forcibly.*1 Only for the main battery pack.*2 In high temperature mode, the level that corresponds to an 80% charge for normaltemperature mode is displayed as [100%].The orange indicator blinks z Battery cannot be recharged temporarily because the internal temperature ofthe battery pack is outside of the acceptable temperature range for recharging.Once the allowable range requirement is satisfied, charging beginsautomatically. Your computer can be used normally in this state. KeyboardOnly numbers can be input z Check whether the NumLk indicator is on. If it is on, the computer is in ten-key mode. To disable the ten-key mode, press NumLk.Only capital letters are being input z Check whether the Caps Lock indicator is on. If it is on, the computer is inCaps Lock mode. To disable the Caps Lock mode, press Caps Lock.How to input European characters (ß,à, ç etc.), symbols or Euro currencysymbol is unclearz Select [start] - [All Programs] - [Accessories] - [System Tools] - [CharacterMap].