767. HFC refrigerant_Electric gas leakage testerR32 refrigerant is often used for other mixedrefrigerant (R410A, R404A, R407C etc.). Therefore,the usage of existing HFC detectors is possible, but inorder to detect more accurately, we recommend touse detectors specially set and adjusted for R32detection.HFC refrigerant_Electric gas leakage tester8. Digital scale for refrigerant chargingR32 and R410A have high pressure level and theirevaporation speed is high.Thus, if you recover the refrigerant by cylindercharging method, the refrigerant evaporates within theweighing scale glass, which makes reading the scaledifficult, rather than liquidating the refrigerant into thecylinder. (Charging cylinders for R22 have differentpressure resistance, scale, connection port size;therefore, they are not usable) At the same time, thedigital scale for refrigerant charging is strengthened byreceiving the weight of the refrigerant cylinders withfour pillars at the corners. The connection ports ofcharging hoses have two separate ports for R22 (7/16UNF20) and R32/R410A (1/2 UNF20) therefore, theycan be used for the insertion of the existingrefrigerants.Digital scale for refrigerant charging9. Refrigerant cylindersRefrigerant cylinders for R410A are painted in pink,and the ones for R32 are painted in other colors thatmight subject to change according to the internationalstandards. R32 is a single refrigerant, so that bothliquid and gas insertion are possible. Additionalcharging is also possible.(R410A is a mixed refrigerant, so only liquid insertionis possible)Refrigerant cylinders10. Connection ports of refrigerant cylinders andpackingCharging ports which fit to the charging hoseconnection port size (1/2 UNF20) is needed. At thesame time, the packing has to be of HFC resistantmaterials.Connection ports and packing